Animal care to show you care! The Manchester Animal Care Clinic now has a digital registration and scheduling process.

  • Digital registration and scheduling website for Manchester Animal Care Vet Clinic

  • Team Lead, Chief UX Designer, Head Researcher

  • 2 weeks, Jan 2022

Project Overview


Project Vision

Registering your pet at a veterinarian’s office shouldn’t be hard, and it shouldn’t require a phone call or a physical visit - it’s 2022 for goodness sake! We’re making life easier at Manchester Animal Care Clinic by allowing patients and users to register their pet and schedule appointments from the comfort of their computer.


  1. Create an easy and understandable user journey for pet registration and appointment scheduling

  2. Keeping the users at the forefront of the design

Meet our users.


The user personas we created were almost a mirror to the users we talked with - they’re young, no kids, no overarching martial status, and they’re busy. Really busy. They might also have a little bit of social anxiety, and combined with their digital abilities, they wanted to be able to take care of their pets easily and talking with as few people as possible.

Planning for these users was going to be easy. With their high levels of digital literacy, they can navigate from websites to mobile apps smoothly and confidently. But this design was going to need to have more substance. Our users wanted a reason to choose Manchester Animal Care over another vet - they wanted to see the receipts.

Step 1 - Paper Wireframes

Step 2 - Digital Wireframe and Lo-Fi Prototype

The lo-fi mockup that turned into the lo-fi prototype

Step 3 - Hi-fi prototype


The hi-fi prototype, finalized with all copy, content, and iconography.

Manchester Animal Care Clinic brand guidelines



This was the first responsive website I had ever designed, and boy was it a learning process. Call it “being a Millennial,” but I seem to have an easier time making apps as opposed to websites. That being said, I’m really glad I got the opportunity to use Adobe XD on this project, as it was just one aspect of this process that helped me get to my stretch zone.

In terms of next steps for this project I’d like to see it actually become a functional website you can visit. But in the meantime I’m going to take the lessons I learned from this process and put it toward my next one.


Break an Egg


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